Support Your Local Economy and #ShopYorkCentre

Due to Covid social distancing and quarantine rules, many local businesses were forced to closed for an extended period of time. Even now, smaller businesses will continue to struggle as they navigate and adjust to the new norms. This is when our community must come together and help!

So how can I help York Centre businesses?

Purchase Gift Cards

Buying a gift card for future use is a great way to help business owners at a time when they need it most. Even if the business has not reopened yet, you may still be able to purchase a gift card online for a future purchase or dinner out. If there are certain stores you know you love and will be visiting, consider purchasing a gift card ahead of time.

Stock Up

If there are certain items from local businesses you know you always need a large quantity of, consider stocking up and purchasing a larger amount at once. This will not only help small businesses, but it will also reduce the number of times you need to visit the store and help keep shops less busy which will aid social and physical distancing.

Write Positive Online Reviews

This may be one of the best and simplest acts of kindness you can do to support a local business, and it's completely free and won’t take too much time!

Even if you have been hit hard during Covid-19 and are struggling financially, this is something everyone can do for their favourite local shops and businesses. You can recommend them to your friends and family, as word-of-mouth is the most impactful way to spread awareness.